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Electronic Soybean Oil (CBOT)
Contract Sym Prev  Open  High  Low  Last Trade  Chg  Settle  Last Update
SOYBEAN OIL  Dec 24 @BO4Z  42.39  42.38  43.03  42.26  42.95  0.56  42.39  4:33A Oct 22
SOYBEAN OIL  Jan 25 @BO5F  42.23  42.31  42.81  42.12  42.75  0.52  42.23  4:33A Oct 22
SOYBEAN OIL  Mar 25 @BO5H  42.35  42.37  42.88  42.24  42.82  0.47  42.35  4:31A Oct 22
SOYBEAN OIL  May 25 @BO5K  42.54  42.57  43.03  42.43  42.97  0.43  42.54  4:33A Oct 22
SOYBEAN OIL  Jul 25 @BO5N  42.67  42.67  43.10  42.55  43.08  0.41  42.67  4:31A Oct 22
SOYBEAN OIL  Aug 25 @BO5Q  42.47  42.54  42.86  42.33  42.86  0.39  42.47  4:20A Oct 22
SOYBEAN OIL  Sep 25 @BO5U  42.20  42.24  42.59  42.12  42.59  0.39  42.20  4:24A Oct 22
SOYBEAN OIL  Oct 25 @BO5V  41.85  41.76  42.10  41.76  42.06  0.21  41.85  3:56A Oct 22
SOYBEAN OIL  Dec 25 @BO5Z  41.76  41.75  42.08  41.68  42.08  0.32  41.76  4:34A Oct 22
SOYBEAN OIL  Jan 26 @BO6F  41.74  42.00  42.00  42.00  42.00  0.26  41.74  4:13A Oct 22
SOYBEAN OIL  Mar 26 @BO6H  41.73        41.28  0.00  41.73  1:15P Oct 21
SOYBEAN OIL  May 26 @BO6K  41.80        41.90  0.00  41.80  1:15P Oct 21
SOYBEAN OIL  Jul 26 @BO6N  41.86        43.75  0.00  41.86  1:15P Oct 21
SOYBEAN OIL  Aug 26 @BO6Q  41.73          0.00  41.73  1:15P Oct 21
SOYBEAN OIL  Sep 26 @BO6U  41.68          0.00  41.68  1:15P Oct 21
SOYBEAN OIL  Oct 26 @BO6V  41.55          0.00  41.55  1:15P Oct 21
SOYBEAN OIL  Dec 26 @BO6Z  41.42        43.81  0.00  41.42  1:15P Oct 21
SOYBEAN OIL  Jul 27 @BO7N  41.31          0.00  41.31  1:15P Oct 21
SOYBEAN OIL  Oct 27 @BO7V  41.30          0.00  41.30  1:15P Oct 21
SOYBEAN OIL  Dec 27 @BO7Z  41.04          0.00  41.04  1:15P Oct 21
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Exchange:  CBOT
Last Trade:  42.93
Change:  0.54
Bid:  42.92
Ask:  42.93
Today's High:  43.03
Today's Low:  42.26
Volume:  61,702
Open:  42.38
Settle:  42.39
Prev:  42.39
Contract High: 
Contract Low: 
Updated:  Oct-22-2024
Delay Time:  10 Minutes

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Posted at Monday, October 21, 2024 10:39AM CDT
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